Posted 2016-04-23
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Breaking Up With Fear

by Scott Noelle

Fear is a valuable emotion that let’s you know that either (a) you’re in danger or (b) something in your psyche is out of alignment and needs to be brought to light. But fear can also run amok and drain the grooviness from your life.

Several of my recently posted grooves are related to fear, which often lingers in one’s life like a bad relationship — that boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse about whom you constantly think to yourself, “I need to let this one go!” Ironically, such relationships are often held in place by unexamined fear. Tragically, people often break up with a partner when it was really their own fear projected onto the partner that they needed to break up with.

The Tyranny of FOMO is my latest article, about a type of fear that has recently received a boost from technology.

Daily Groove subscriber Jenn McMillin shared a blog post she wrote called My Son’s Wedding, which beautifully exemplifies the concept in my recent post, Hindsight In Foresight. And I would add that Jenn’s post promotes a kind of daydreaming that keeps destructive fear at bay.

It’s been a while since my last Revue, so the groove-list below is long. But fear not! Just read the one’s whose titles tickle your fancy...

The Daily Groove “Classic”

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