“I Didn’t Sign Up For This!”

by Scott Noelle

Living in a culture where sacrifice and toil are glorified while pleasure-seeking is disdained, we’ve been conditioned to tolerate unpleasant states like boredom and confinement.

But such states feel bad for a reason: they suck! :)

So if you find a particular aspect of parenting boring or confining, don’t tolerate it! Instigate a personal revolution and proclaim...


You didn’t intend to suffer through parenthood. You wanted to bring more joy into the world. Love and joy: THAT’S what you signed up for!

With that awareness, you can set a new standard. Raise the bar. Don’t settle for tolerable unpleasantness. If you can’t see a more pleasing way to proceed, just be still, remember your true intentions, and be open to inspiration.

This is not about having zero tolerance for your child. It’s not about your child at all!* It’s about listening to your Inner Guidance and honoring it.

When you honor your Guidance, it honors you and your child.

*But if you ever feel annoyed when your children complain about boredom and confinement, remember that they didn’t sign up for that, either.

Originally published on 2006-12-04
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