Posted 2016-08-13
R   E   V   U   E


by Scott Noelle

Online Event:  This coming Monday, August 15, 8pm-10pm/ET, I’ll be appearing again on Lainie Liberti’s show, For the Love of Learning. This time the topic is The Continuum Concept, a book without which there would be no Daily Groove. You can watch the show live, HERE, or wait for the archive to be posted.

Two of this week’s grooves (below) were about radical honesty, a concept I mentioned a few weeks ago, here (includes book recommendations). The power of this practice can hardly be overstated! People have no idea how thoroughly and consistently dishonest they are until they start peeling back the layers of socially sanctioned deception, including self-deception.

Being radically honest can liberate you from all kinds of unnecessary drama and strife. It can also create drama if you use it as an excuse to express every judgmental thought that enters your mind. Most such thoughts are rooted in misperceptions and ego distortions, so it pays to go a little deeper before you talk about them as if they were true. Sometimes admitting that you’re being judgmental is the most radically honest expression.

Radical honesty is most powerful when accompanied by radical acceptance, i.e., unconditional presence.

The Daily Groove “Classic”

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