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Can We Be Real?

by Scott Noelle

Three of this week’s grooves were related to the path of Authenticity, and coincidentally I had occasion to share two of my favorite books about authenticity with my 19-year-old daughter.

Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton is a classic that challenges readers to practice truth-telling without filters. The radicalness of Blanton’s recommended practices will put you on a fast track to the power of Authenticity, but some of them might make you cringe until you overcome your childhood “niceness” training. In that case, start with...

Don’t Be Nice, Be Real by Kelly Bryson. His approach is radical, too, and he shows you how to communicate authentically without sacrificing compassion. (But you do have to drop the “nice” routine.) One of the best chapters is based on an article he published online many years ago, a copy of which you can access HERE.

You might be wondering why I thought my daughter would like those books. Not surprisingly, it’s that she’s figuring out how to navigate relationships — those gloriously mysterious holders of our hearts — which work so much better when everyone has the courage to be real.

The Daily Groove “Classic”

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