Ask Your Question

Would you like me to write a Daily Groove post about a real-life challenge that you are facing? You can send me any question about parenting, relationships, and/or personal empowerment!

Just follow these guidelines...

1. Write your question in an email and send it to the address below.

2. Give the email a descriptive Subject line that includes details. If your question is about a child, include the child’s age in the Subject line. (Examples: “3-yr-old wants a pet rattlesnake”, “My husband is always stressed”, “I feel like nobody cares about MY needs”.)

3. Keep the email brief — just a few sentences — however...

4. Include facts that are vital to understanding your situation. For example, if the challenge involves a child’s behavior, it would be important to know if the child had a condition like autism, a history of trauma, a stressful environment (like parental conflict), a new sibling, etc. Uncommon lifestyle factors are also relevant. (Examples: you live in an intentional community, on a military base, or with a traveling circus; your children attend an alternative school or don’t attend school; you are devoted to a particular dietary philosophy, spiritual practice, etc.)

5. The gender of anyone mentioned (including yourself) should be clearly evident so I can refer to individuals as “he” or “she” (or let me know if someone considers themself to be neither a “he” nor a “she”).

6. By submitting your question, you are granting me permission to use your question as described below and to publish it without compensation.

7. Send your question to This Email Address

What to Expect

Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that I will respond to your question, but I will do my best to acknowledge it, at least. I may choose not to answer your question if I have already answered a similar question (in which case I’ll send you a link) or if the issue can’t be adequately addressed in my Q&A format.

If I choose to write a post based on your question, please note that I will anonymize and paraphrase your question for three reasons: (1) to protect your privacy; (2) for brevity and simplification; (3) to make the Q&A more applicable to more readers.

Occasionally I will modify a question to the point of it almost becoming a different question, because I believe it will better serve the Daily Groove readership. Of course I would hope it served you, too, but if you want a response that is fine-tuned to the details of your unique circumstances, I recommend you contact me for a private consultation by phone or Skype. (More info here.)

Thanks for being a part of the Daily Groove adventure. :)

~ Scott Noelle