The Big Picture

by Scott Noelle

In my post, From Control to Leadership, I mentioned the importance of expanding your perspective to include that of your child (or whomever you’re leading) so that you can align your leadership with their needs and desires.

What I didn’t mention is that perspective expanding is a skill you can develop...

To you, a balloon may seem like nothing special, while a young child may perceive it an object of great beauty and magical power.

Connecting with such perspectives will greatly increase your capacity for empathy when, for example, a toddler is freaking out about a lost balloon, or a teenager is devastated over the loss of a relationship that seems (to you) like a mere crush.

When you integrate your partners’ perspectives with your own, you gain a more powerful perspective: that of the partnership itself.

Improve Your Groove

Today, as you interact with others, try to imagine how they are experiencing circumstances differently than you are. What surprising things do you notice when you look at the world through their eyes?

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