What Is Partnership?

by Scott Noelle

At first glance, the answer may seem obvious. But partnership is far more profound and powerful than most people realize, which is why I’m inviting you to spend a whole month living with that question.

Let’s start with my own concise description of partnership, previously posted here:

Partnership is a pathway to power through connection. A healthy partnership is a mutually empowering relationship that grows stronger through empathy and creativity. When people feel connected to each other, more power to one is more power to all. The more you give, the more you have. It’s a win/win game. In partnership, you resolve conflicts creatively by focusing on what works for the whole partnership instead of making right/wrong judgments that weaken connections and lead to power struggles. Partnership-oriented people don’t seek power over others because they enjoy being powerful with others.

That description only covers partnership as a type or mode of human relationship, but the more deeply you inquire, the more you’ll discover that partnership is a life principle that is evident in everything, everywhere, all the time. To get to such depths, you’ll want to ask variations of the question that relate to your practical circumstances. For example...

  • Besides the obvious, what are some of the partnerships in this situation?
  • How would this situation look different through the lens of partnership?
  • What partnerships have made this [wonderful experience] possible?
  • Am I responding to [this person] like a partner?
  • How is my “enemy” functioning as a partner?
  • How are the different parts of myself in partnership?
  • Why are some of my partnerships more satisfying than others?
  • What is ONE thing I could do right now to make this relationship more “partnershippy”?

Any such secondary questions will lead you to new insights for the main inquiry. As you gain these insights, I strongly encourage you to write them down — in a journal, on scraps of paper, or even by emailing or texting yourself. If you feel inspired to share an insight, please consider sharing it with me. It can be as little as one sentence. For example: “Today I realized that with a little creativity I can be in partnership with the WEATHER instead of complaining about it!”

Please send your insights to This Email Address

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