Posted 2015-02-28 in Misc.

Check-in: Finding My Own Groove

by Scott Noelle

The following is a letter to any Daily Groove reader interested in a behind-the-scenes look at my creative process. To see what I’m creating, click here.

Dear Groovin’ Readers...

Nearly three weeks ago I hit a wall — kind of like “writer’s block,” but not quite that. I gave myself permission to skip posting a Groove for a day... Then another day... And another... And so on.

But it’s not like I was on holiday. I was struggling to make sense of my blockage. After some needed soul-searching and self-truthing, I figured it out. “It” was actually two things...

First, I figured out that my big 2015 Daily Groove reboot was based on the assumption that the creative process that worked for me in 2006 would still work today... It doesn’t. I used to love the challenge of distilling a thousand-word idea into 165 words. But now that self-imposed requirement just frustrates my “muse,” so to speak. The ideas coming through me these days don’t fit that brief format.

Second, I realized that my desire to make a difference in the world — especially for consciously evolving parents — had morphed into a somewhat grandiose “save the world” mentality. That was weighing down every aspect of the work, which had previously felt more like play.

There were other factors that I won’t go into, but the bottom line was that I felt guided to begin reinventing my own personal groove — and The Daily Groove along with it. (Again!)

While it took a fair amount of time and effort to reprogram the website to support the changes, the new new Daily Groove now has a structure that I believe will work for my finicky muse and appeal to fans of the old Groove format.

I’ll be writing articles, without length restrictions, and posting them to this blog. Many of the articles will be in a Q&A format, which means that YOU, dear readers, will be encouraged to send me your questions about parenting, relationships, and personal empowerment. The articles will not be sent to the mailing list, but the Grooves I send to the daily subscribers will be based on them...

From each article I will extract a single-line quotation — the text equivalent of a soundbite — and convert it to a graphic “card” that will be the centerpiece of a Daily Groove message. In addition to these “GrooveCards,” each Daily Groove will also include a suggested activity for the day, in a section called “Improve Your Groove,” as well as a link to the source article for those who have the time and desire to deepen their understanding. But the Groove itself will still be readable in under a minute.

Best of all, the colorful, thought-provoking GrooveCards will be automatically displayed on your Timeline/Feed when you share the Grooves on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. I hope this will make it easier and more fun for you to extend the gift of grooviness to your friends and introduce more people to the benefits of “the PATH Way” and PATH Parenting.

Here’s an example GrooveCard:

BTW, I made GrooveCards for most of this year’s previously posted Grooves, which you can find here. With just a couple of clicks, you can share your favorite GrooveCards on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.

To those of you who eagerly await the delivery of your Daily Grooves, thank you for being patient while I am finding my own daily groove. :)